pressure washer 101 image
Ok so my husband just found his foster father after 13 years of not speaking to him. The foster father had had a brain tumor and they got into an argument and he kicked my husband out at 16. My husband is now 29. About a week after we had contacted him for the first time he told us that he wanted to give us a house in Ohio. He wanted to give it ti us. No rent, no mortgage payments he had fully paid for the house already. The house is 101 years old but looks to be in good shape.I would be moving 500 miles away from family to move up there next to him. He swears the he would take car of anything that we would need ( dishwasher, washer dryer, new paint job, and new carpet and anything that were to fail while we were living there) the only thing he wanted was for us to pay the taxes ( which i CAN afford) and if we ever decided to sell the house he wanted half of the profit. I dont know whether to be leary of this of not. It is the person who raised my husband mose of his life.
How would you find out if the house had any loans or leins on it or if there were back owed taxes?
What kind of steps would you take moving like this. He wants us to move by November 1st because he says he doesnt want the house vacant for an extended period of time and that if we didnt want it he was going to sell it.
Let him sell it. Don't allow him to pressure you into making a major move and incur major expenses until you are certain. Remember, after moving in to this house, the foster father may use this "gift" as leverage to guilt his way back into your husband's life.
Get the house appraised by a trusted local house appraiser, and take the appraiser's report seriously. Share a copy of the report with the father-in-law, and ask him to complete the improvements and repairs *before* you move in. Find out who his lenders are (banks, credit unions) and visit them to find out what you can about any debts owed on the property and house.
Last thought: if the foster father is truly giving you the house, then he must give up any ownership of the house to you. Taking care of your living expenses is a major red flag-- letting him do so is a way of making you dependent on him.
04 rm 125 wont kick start or run well?
ok so last season my 04 rm 125 stopped running and i thought it was due to bad gas or a fouled plug. So i just took it in and rebuilt the top end and the carburetor and added a v force 3 reed valve kit. but now that its done i have the same problem, it wont kick start. i can pop start it and it runs really crappy with no power. i double checked my jetting and im running a mikuni tmx38 with a 450 main jet, a 35 pilot jet, the air screw 1-2 1/2 turns out and my stock needle at notch 2. my engine has compression it has a brand new spark plug with a good gap, the exhaust and exhaust valve are clear but it still wont run even with the air filter on or off. the way its running is it wont run on low rpm's and high rpm's are flat and powerless. could this be a timing problem? and if so how would i adjust it? i would really appreciate any help i can get on this, thanks.
hey Jerry,Check the end of your spark plug for warped head or leaking H.Gasket antifreeze droplets will be at your plugs tip if so !!** 1st;did ya point that lil arrow atop the new piston to the front towards the exhaust exit?2nd, if ya took the throttles slide out the top,dude make sure its in correct,it only goes down fully to the bottom 1 way,and 3rd,,check the end of the plugs cap,hold the sparkplug wire(it doesnt unjscrew at the ciol end!!ONLY the cap unscrews off,see where it screwed in on the end of the wire,snipp just a 1/8 inch off to have clean wire not all corroded for the cap to reseat and screw back onto,PURPLE OR BLUE SPARK NEEDED,,,white or yeller wears out a feller whos kick start'n her !!4th,, my man, carefully drain your carbs bowl at its bottom and catch the fuel into a old glass jar etc,see if theres any crapp in it or any water you will easily see due to it dont mix with gas and seperates when you swirl the countainer side to side,water gets in the plastic tank just from temp change day to nite,CONDENSATION,or also from carwash pressure spray if ya aint got the lil vent hose off the gascap to the kneck(vent =entrance) if it aint there bro,unscrew your carbs mixture adjustment(**NOTE THERES A SPRING WITH A WASHER THEN A LIL O RINGon this mix setting screw) and spray a zapp of carb cleaner(get a can of it at walmart or auto parts stor for 4 bucks or less,,BUT ****Take Note **** gently screw it in til it LIGHTLY bottoms out AND COUNT HOW MANY TURNS BEFORE REMOVING IT,,to be able to get the air/fuel mix back in the ballpark of where it was,try turning it 1/8 of a turn at a time once it is warmed up,if you turn it 1/8 one direction and it slows the idle,,STOP,,go put it back 1/8 the opposit way to where it was,then move it 1/8 turn further,IF IT SPEEDS THE IDLE a tiny bit,,adjust the idle set screw down,then try to keep going 1/8 turn on the mix screw till it wont raise the idle,but every time you go 1/8 a turn and the idle speed increases,lower the idle screw back down,when 2-3 time of doing this and it stopped making it idle faster,YOU NOW HAVE THE CARB SET PERFECT AS IT CAN BE TO THE WEAR OF THE TOP END,and it should pop off 1st or 2nd kick w/no choke now,..if not the smaller of the 2 jets inside of the bottom of the carb in the bowl area needs to be removed then GENTLY pass a lil wire you pull out from a wooden BBQ grill brush,jerk a few unrusted wires out of an old school BBQ brush that Gpa uses,it will be of correct size to NOT make the lil jets hole any bigger at all or scuff it to where it wont flow correct,thats RM '101' schoolin,you know enough to pass brother,dont drop any lil 4 screws or the lil rubber tip off of the float that shuts off the fuel when the level is correct,,i sugest working over an old beach towell,if ya drop them itty bitty things,youll find em !
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