Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

My cousin is being released from jail. What now? ?

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As I'm sure you can assume, being an ex-con he will have a hard time finding a job, and without the means he is unable to leave the area in which he has problems before entering jail. It's as though he is set up to fail; I would really like to know what his options are. He lives in New York City, are there any organizations that can help get a job, and get on his feet? Preferably faith-based (Christian), but if not it's okay.'

Please let me know your thoughts, and suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

Start a detail hand car wash service. After doing it at his residence or a friends, or a local business parking lot using a bucket and hose he can Eventually, mount a pressure washer on a trailer and take it mobile. Car dealerships will contract with him to clean all the cars on the lot on a scheduled basis. Clean windows in strip malls. Cut grass for the locals for 20 to 40 dollars. ETC. there is a way for an industrious person. Those looking for a handout, wanting to blame others for their failures; they are not worth helping as they will always find an excuse for you to enable their failure and blame you, others, or government for it.

I'm unfocused, bi -polar, full time student, dealing w/ a suicidal bf, crazy parents & son: who i neglect help?


I'm 27, enrolled full-time in school, i have no job because my folks said they would help me w/ school. Turns out they aren't going to help w/ anything other then letting me sleep in their house. They do however do a lot for my son. Since I had him I've worked Full-Time jobs. But last year I had a nervous breakdown from so many years of emotional and mental abuse. I messed up a relationship w/ a man that really cared about me and my son lived him. I quit my job and started working some dead end in the mall job. It was like I'd gone back to being 17, and I still feel like I'm there, and I can't stand it. My current boyfriend, well ex technically, but not, it's complicating...well he suffers from extreme depression and suicidal tendencies. He just went to a mental hospital for a few days, he's out and ok, but I feel like his family is depending on me for some things, that adds more pressure to things. My parents and I don't get along at all. My dad doesn't have the ability to listen to a question w/out snapping and yelling at you, then saying stuff to make you feel like shit, my mother nags me. "If you cook, you clean!" Even if I make dinner for the house, etc I get to clean all of it, regardless of what kind of day I've had. And it has to be put back in the exact order that it was before. Then there is the fact that I get to do laundry maybe once a week, and 1 load. She is alway using the washer and dryer. Ok I can deal w/ that, but I need to be able to. Then I get the, "well make sure you take all of it out, cause I don't want to deal with it later" bit. My son, is eating more and gaining weight and I'm concerned that he is starting to get depressed and feels rejected. He most likely is. I have 4 classes in school right now and I'm surrounded by 18 yr old kids, most of which laugh at the teacher or don't do their work when required, and the responsibility lands in my lap. I have like a 3.76 gpa, i don't want that to go down cause of some punk ass kids. Then when I confront the teacher about it, then he's like well this is the first go around, the final they won't get credit. I'm like ok, that's good, they are gonna pass the class because you won't knock their grades down cause they lack any form of knowledge in the subject? Are you KIDDING ME? My living quarters is a disaster, I have cloths, trash, cds, magic the gathering cards, comic books, all stacked in a 12X3 walk in closet or so it seems. I want to sell the magic cards and comics to make some money, but I never get around to it. My son, is always like hey mom, check out this blaster...my responses are sometimes ok sure, other times i'm like go occupy yourself I'm in the worst mood. I don't want to take it out on him, so I guess I push him away. I feel like shit, I feel hopeless, and I have no clue what to do. Someone, anyone, please answer and give me thoughts, ideas, anything cause I'm lost and falling deeper and deeper into a place I just don't want to go, despair, extreme depression, and failure.

Relationship is all about looking at how you are dealing in those circumstances
rather than looking at what the circumstances are doing to you, or how the person is behaving with you or saying to you, it is how u react!!!!!!
Looking at ur actions ur words ur feeelings is better than
blaming how the oter person is doing or what he is saying...lollzzzz

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