Jumat, 20 Juni 2014

Clogged drain from kitty litter? Please help!?


Okay guys I really, really need some help. A while ago, my little sister placed the kitty box in the jacuzzi bathtub, and now it has a clog. Long story short I have tried Draino and other liquids to undo it but nothing's worked. Now we are moving out, and I have been reading other questions like this asked by other people and I am praying to God that there is a solution that is not so drastic.Is there any sort of chemical or other thing that would dissolve it? Or what is this snake thing I read about? Please, please help. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Chemicals will not do it. Two possible solutions. If you have a garden hose and can get it down there.. or even better a pressure washer.. try that first... it may force it through. If not, then a snake is needed. Don't dispair. Every Home Depot has one and they are not so much $$. It is basically a long flat piece of metal on a reel, much like a super stiff tape measure, that you stick into the pipe and jam around until you break up the clog. Also, sometimes you need to get a snake you can attach to a drill so you can kinda drill out the clog. You will be fine as long as the clog is not too far down the pipe.

I want to know what lives in the many holes in my yard.?


I live in NE OK and have a sunny acre. I went out to mow last week and found holes everywhere. They were anywhere from 3 to 5 inches in diameter and some as close together as 5 inches. I saw some holes that looked like a tunneling effect, but no dirt mounds were beside them. For instance: one hole 3 inches in diameter would have an identical hole 4 inches from it and 4 more inches away in a straight line I would find another, and another. My whole acres is full of holes. I don't want to go out there with my cool environmentally awesome push reel mower and get snake bit to death, you know? Are these simply field mice? I am not scared of a mouse. Are they wasps? I am terrified of wasps. I know one thing: They aren't stuffed easter bunnies from Walmart and I will not find hidden Easter Eggs in these holes.

Moles, skunks, ground hogs, take your pick. All can carry rabies and it seems like you are infested.

They seem to big for snakes. Field mice also would not have such big holes, and wasps like to be up off the ground.

Here are some things to try, they sound cruel, but again, these animals are nasty pests and many do carry rabies, so if I had kids in particular I would want them gone gone gone.

1) By a BIG container of mothballs and throw a few in every hole.
2) By rat poison and put it in every hole (don't know how much you hate them, but it sounds like a nuisance)
3) Put a hose in the holes (or even better a pressure washer) and see what comes scurrying out.
4) There are some ultra sonic pest control devices you can use, but I think your problem is too big right now. Play really nasty now, and then try the product shown below; they worked for us, but we didn't have that many holes, only a few but they did work. Depends on how nice you want to be to these creatures.

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