The Dude 9
what kind of fluid and how much do you put in a delta pressure washer DT2200p
In the crank case of the water pump
Hydraulic washer pump fluid from Sears or your local hydraulic store. The pumps hooked up to 8 or 10 HP engines require one quart and it costs $7.00 for that quart.
Good Luck
Hydraulic washer pump fluid from Sears or your local hydraulic store. The pumps hooked up to 8 or 10 HP engines require one quart and it costs $7.00 for that quart.
Good Luck
high pressure washer has very little pressure?
2400 psi....used to have to hold the gun with both hands now I just go along with one hand on the nozzle and it takes FOREVER to clean just the walkway and I have to practically touch the cement to get it really good. There is a white, green, red, and yellow attachment. The red works really well but is pin point (draw your name type) and would take a REALLY REALLY long time to do anything. Any suggestions. I'm obviously not very technical so I would appreciate detailed information please and Thank YOu Very Much!!!! Engine runs fine just little pressure.
It's gas powered if that makes a difference lol
This could be several things....possibly the seals, or you may need to check the pump oil. Go to Sears, they sell pump oil, as well as several products designed to lubricate the pump and clean it as well. The attachments you describe are the different nozzle tips for various spray patterns. Do you run any chemicals through the unit?? If so - make sure that they are approved for this type of use, and NEVER run bleach through the unit (unless you thoroughly flush it out afterwards). You might also want to carefully dis-assemble the wand and make sure that there are no mineral deposits blocking anything. Check the water inlet screen (where you attach the hose, there should be a screen) make sure it's not clogged or blocked. Finally, consider using a chemical to "help" the pressure washer do it's job....for concrete, Home Depot carries gallon sizes of "Rust Aid" - use a pump-up garden sprayer, apply the Rust-Aid, let it "work" for 5 or 10 minutes then blast it off with the pressure washer.
This could be several things....possibly the seals, or you may need to check the pump oil. Go to Sears, they sell pump oil, as well as several products designed to lubricate the pump and clean it as well. The attachments you describe are the different nozzle tips for various spray patterns. Do you run any chemicals through the unit?? If so - make sure that they are approved for this type of use, and NEVER run bleach through the unit (unless you thoroughly flush it out afterwards). You might also want to carefully dis-assemble the wand and make sure that there are no mineral deposits blocking anything. Check the water inlet screen (where you attach the hose, there should be a screen) make sure it's not clogged or blocked. Finally, consider using a chemical to "help" the pressure washer do it's job....for concrete, Home Depot carries gallon sizes of "Rust Aid" - use a pump-up garden sprayer, apply the Rust-Aid, let it "work" for 5 or 10 minutes then blast it off with the pressure washer.
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