pressure washer oil image
Yesterday while trying to set up a pressure washer, I accidentally put the motor oil into the air filter spot. Turned it upside down to drain the oil but the engine starts and stalls. Not sure if it's ruined forever or what to do. It's a Robin engine and a Karcher pressure washer.
It is unclear to me how you would put oil into the air filter but you should never turn an engine upside down. The first thing to do is check the oil level in the crankcase. It should not be above the full mark. Remove the air filter, if it has oil on it replace it. Clean all the oil from the air box (where the filter goes) and install the new filter. Remove the spark plug and give it a few pulls. Replace the plug and start it up, it may smoke a bit but should clear out.
It is unclear to me how you would put oil into the air filter but you should never turn an engine upside down. The first thing to do is check the oil level in the crankcase. It should not be above the full mark. Remove the air filter, if it has oil on it replace it. Clean all the oil from the air box (where the filter goes) and install the new filter. Remove the spark plug and give it a few pulls. Replace the plug and start it up, it may smoke a bit but should clear out.
Would a pressure washer's pull cord not come out completely if it was low on oil?
Ben D
I'm trying to fix my cousin's pressure washer and the only thing I noticed that could be wrong is the oil was low. It stopped working when she was pressure washing her deck. I just want to make sure before I go add new oil and have it turn out there's a non related engine problem or something. I checked the air filter and it's clean, the spark plug was connected properly, the gas is all new, and it didn't sit out in the cold so nothing froze inside.
How low was the oil when you got it? The pull cord recoil mech could be messed up. Or the cylinder could seized. Sounds to me since it stopped working while in use its seized.
How low was the oil when you got it? The pull cord recoil mech could be messed up. Or the cylinder could seized. Sounds to me since it stopped working while in use its seized.
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