Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

coleman/powermate pressure washer starts,quites,10-15 attempts then stays running,changed plug & checked carb?

coleman pressure washer powermate on Giant Pumps and Repair Parts
coleman pressure washer powermate image


I bet your not depressing the trigger on the gun handle when you start it are you? This makes them hard to start and will also ruin the seals in the always squeeeze the trigger and let the water flow for at least a minute to get all air out and keep holding the trigger while you start it , or it will start and bog down and will decacipate the pump..IS this what is happening?

Where do find carburetor parts for Coleman Powermate pressure washer.?


Any small-engine repair shop should be able to help you. Failing that, Coleman has a customer-service website.

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