Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

What kind of Pressure Washer should go with?


I am basically build a mobile detail trailer (but for personal use), what is a good Pressure Washer, generator that i should get. and is there anything else beside the water tank that i will need. Also do i need to buy the parts to hook everything together? Keep in mind i am trying to do this without breaking the bank. Thanks for your help

I think the first thing you are going to want to ask yourself is which type power washer you are going to want: a cold or hot water power washer. There is a big difference in price between the two, but most professionals that I know doing it full time start off with a cold water machine and as their business grows move up with equipment as most businesses do. Once you decide in type, ask how many hours a year you are going to be using this washer. Most homeowners use theirs once or maybe twice a year so a five year warranty works for them and they let price guide them as to pressures and brands, but if you are going to use this commercially the manufacturer warranty wouldn't cover it for long so you should concentrate on a machine that is more commercially oriented to last longer. The generator in my opinion if you can afford one is a Honda, super quiet and with care will last forever. Probably the best advice I could give you would be to see if you know anyone or their friends that currently own a pressure washing business and pick their brains.

What would be the best deal on a pressure washer for auto detailing?


That's not enough information to base a reasonable answer on.
Not enough details.

If it's going to be sitting in one spot go with an electric one 1500 psi.Less maintenance required, quieter, and has auto shutoff.

If you need to move around a house or something, or use it in remote locations like out of the back of a truck, go with a gas powered one. 2000psi

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