Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

Plumbing. Low pressure @ kitchen sink, good pressure for toilet and Washer. Items to troubleshoot?


Recent remodel construction of single wide trailer. Water pressure is good when toilet flushes, and good for using Washer, however, pressure in shower and kitchen sink is definitely low pressure. What items should I troubleshoot to fix flow problem? Thanks

a constriction in the water supply line that is in the path of the shower and kitchen sink is my guess. To test that theory, if you can get access to view the water lines, look to see if there is a clear path from the water main to the fixtures running well. Then look to see if there is an offshoot that serves both the sink and shower. The constriction would be on the part of the service that serves both the slow fixtures and neither of the fast ones. That should narrow it down to a pretty short portion of the water lines.

Low cold water pressure to kitchen sink. Any fixes?

kerry s

I have a mobile home, all my water pressure works fine except for the cold water in the kitchen, it is a small stream. Any ideas on what is wrong and how to fix it?
I didnt see a way to reply so I will just add details.

I live in a trailer park so it is not a well, basically city water.

I have nowhere to turn the water off under the sink, the water lines just lead under the floor and back to the hot water heater I guess.

It is not the faucet because I have a line leading out of it for my refrigerator ice maker/water dispenser and that is also getting low water pressure.


first of all do you have a well?
second did you check under the sink to see if it is turned on all the way?
third if it is on all the way then you need to clean out you pipe to the faucet.

1.) turn off the water under the sink
2.)look for a screw,allen hex,screw or a emblem on the handle if you have two handlesflip up the top and there should be a screw.
3.)take off handles and there should be a plastic insert in there.
4.)pull out butr make sure you see how it comes out so you know how they go back in so your water turns on & off the same way ( take pictures with camera or phone).
5.)turn the water back on just a little to blow out anything in the line.
6.)check washers on plastic piecemight want to go to home depot and pick up a set of universal set of rubber o rings (washers).
7.)after you turn the water off unhook the cold water line ind check the screen on the water line (if you have a well you may have some mud or debree in this screen).
8.)put back together ( hope you took pictures or you got a good memory ).
9.)turn water backon and water should be good now.
Total time should be 30 min to 1 hour depending on you.

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